Monday, August 13, 2012

Humba (Braised Pork)

Humba is a braised pork with sweet and salty taste and slow-cooked until tender.  It is one of my favorite Filipino comfort food growing up.  This dish sweetly reminds me of my dear father because it was one of his favorites, as well.  In fact, he was the one who influenced my life to love this dish because this was his specialty in the kitchen.  During my childhood, I still vividly remember our mother for the most part would take charge in the kitchen and rarely our dad for such reasons that either he was away working to provide our family or he was tending with important matters serving the people in our community.  He was quite a busy man who dearly loved God, his family and everyone else.  I'd say, he  probably just had a handful of recipes he enjoyed making every now and then but boy, when he cooked those dishes (mostly on special occasions) you would definitely feel the love while you eat!  Growing up,  everytime I see him cooking in the kitchen it gets me excited for mealtime because I knew there's going to be something 'yummy' on the table and this dish is one of them.  Thank you, Papa for your wonderful legacy!

2 pounds pork belly, chopped in 2 inches cubes or cut-up pork hocks (featured in this recipe)
1/2 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 8oz. Pineapple juice or Sprite
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar or white vinegar
1/4 c brown sugar
3 bay leaves

1 tablespoon salted black beans

1 star anise
5 small stems Spring onions
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon olive oil

Boil  meat in water to release some fats  for at least 10 minutes.  Remove from water.  Heat oil in medium high and stir-fry garlic and onions for 1 minute.  Add meat and sear on all sides.  Add all ingredients, cover and simmer until pork is tender about 1-2 hours (depending on the quality of the meat).  When pork is tender, raise heat to medium high, uncover until juice is mostly evaporated.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

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